Originally posted by Titan
Sometimes the simplist of moments can be life\'s greatest experiences.
Exactly ! Friggin\' society has shoved dogma\'s through ppl\'s throats on what is great in life and what is not. Most of the
times that so called \'great stuff\' involves money, career, status
and power. Great things, imho, come in rare and small doses
(no drugs, lol). Such small moments like Spudz\'s. Fractions of
a second where a combination of stuff on all your senses (sight,
hearing, scent, temperature etc..) comes together in a perfect way which gives a signal to your brain within that miniscule moment which makes you feel : GREAT. It\'s a small moment
half outside the \'reality\' (imho ; Fvck dat !) which society has declared \'Holy\' .
Don\'t understand ? Well, all I can say is ; sorry, you\'re missin\'
out then :thepimp: