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Author Topic: A United Nation Question....  (Read 1425 times)

Offline Simchoy
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A United Nation Question....
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2004, 12:38:16 PM »
But but but...the world SHOULD be like France! Like consider important things, like banning headscarves. After all, the most dangerous thing in the world is children wearing headscarves in school! :rolleyes:

[edit]And no, I do not think the US is always "right". But neither is the European Union (mainly France, Germany), and DEFFINETLY not the UN (which is fast becoming another Leauge of Nations. In other words, useless).
« Last Edit: February 02, 2004, 12:39:46 PM by Simchoy »
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Offline Tyrant
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A United Nation Question....
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2004, 12:22:36 AM »
Originally posted by Simchoy
As for why the Arab world hates us, two words, freedom and modernity. America represents both. Freedom, which the fanatical Islamofacist hate because they feel, it is "against Islam", and modernity for, for intent and purpose, modernity left Islam behind (some by choice for modernity is "against their religion"). Part of it, IS jealously. Look at the Arab countries, compared to the the US and other Western nations in terms of wealth productivity (in other words, what does the Arab world produce [other then oil] to help lift them from poverity?). Even in the oil nations, because the wealth never makes it to the common people, MOST still live in extreme poverty. The ecomony, is so dependent on oil that, if the oil were to stop flowing, these nations would be back in complete poverty.

some how i find this paragraph tye most ignorant thing i ever read, sorry bro but u got to stop watching Fox news and CNN. so what, u think the arab world is just comprised of camels and oil pumps huh :laughing:. i suggest u should actually try visiting an Arab country then talk about how backward we are :rolleyes:.

and one more thing for a while now alot of Arab countries are turning themselves into financial centers and trade-zones rather than just relying on oil to bring in the money prime examples are the UAE, Bahrain, Qatar..etc.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2004, 12:24:41 AM by Tyrant »
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Offline Simchoy
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A United Nation Question....
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2004, 02:02:41 AM »
Did you read the rest of my reply? Did I say ALL of Arab/Muslim world was in poverty? Of course not! Did I mean to say ALL Arabs? NO! And yes, I\'m not as ignorant as you think I am. I KNOW that the UAE and others are becoming more advance and diversifying (should be noted, most of UAE\'s wealth does not come from oil! But from banking and other commerce. Which, unlike a certain neighboring nation [which the Prince and other royal members are moving their fortunes to the UAE. Makes you wonder about where that certain country, also is the center of the Islamic religion mind you, is heading] will not have as big of a problem if the oil valves are shut off).

Also, IMO, UAE and other Islamic nations are "freer" then even Saudi Arabia, old Iraq, current Iran, Lybia (though Ghadaffi is making some changes), Pakistan (which has nukes! Oddly enough, Mushariff is better then a few of the alternatives), Afghanistan, and a number of other nations in the area (friendiler to the US too. Heck, Qutar for example, US ally). Granted, they still are heavily Islamic and freedom is still not the same as what you would call in the US, or even Britain, but still, freer then other countires (in fact, UAE has secretly been trading with Israel. Even though, they still do not recognize Israel).

However, it must still be noted, most of the Arab nations (NOT ALL. BUT MOST) still relies heavily on oil. Besides oil, where you have you seen a Made in Jordan? Or a Made in Syria products? Better yet, Made in Iran? At least Egypt has tourism to get some dough other then oil, but what else? Religious suppression is one of the reasons this is the case, and with the power of the fundamentalist, will remain so until the "moderates" take power.

I believe a freer, less fundamentalist, government can turn the lives of the area around, and in turn, less hateful for the US and the west (in a way, this is true with the UAE, Turkey, Malaysia, and Indonesia). But, STRICTLY talking about what many of them hate us (did I say everyone? I\'m sorry, next time I have watch out when I over "generalize" that the media and other people can get away with. :rolleyes: ) and the west in general, that is why.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2004, 02:08:32 AM by Simchoy »
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Offline Tyrant
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A United Nation Question....
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2004, 07:15:33 AM »
yes i did read yer last post entirely, and for the record i said what u wrote was ignorant, i did not call u ignorant. it was kinda hard to not feel that u were\'nt genearlising in yer post .

also another thing u seem to associate the lack of freedom with Islam , i can see how easy it is to come to this conclusion but u have to realise that its not Islam wich is the problem but its the people who choose to manipulate the religon to their benefit, unfortunately no end to this problem is in sight.

Originally posted by Simchoy
However, it must still be noted, most of the Arab nations (NOT ALL. BUT MOST) still relies heavily on oil. Besides oil, where you have you seen a Made in Jordan? Or a Made in Syria products? Better yet, Made in Iran?

well u wont see any products of these countries outside the middle east but they include textile\'s, handicrafts, agricultural products ...(these are just the stuff from the top of my head) :).
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Offline Bozco
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A United Nation Question....
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2004, 10:44:15 AM »
Their was a guy from Bahrain that I went to school with and he hated America because how much respect we gave women.  He would gripe about it every day.  And no, I didn\'t read any of your guys post.

Offline Simchoy
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A United Nation Question....
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2004, 02:17:50 PM »
To go along with Bozco, one of the problem (as I have stated before [if not this thread, in another one]) isn\'t the religion, but the interpertation of that religion. Even in moderate "secular" Islamic nations, the push for Sharia (at least the way the Imams interperate Sharia) is interperated to mean that men have all the power, women none to little.

This doesn\'t mean that this is why Arabs/Islamic fundies hate us for this reason (or this reason alone), but  is another issue that would make the fundies hate us. Simple respect of women\'s civil rights.

[edit]Oh, and Tyrant, note that I have always mentioned the moderates. I never intended to have Islam=no freedom. The moderates, for the most part, ARE trying to integrate Islam into the modern world and give greater rights to, not only women, but respect to other religions as well. If the moderates were to take power in the nations that are controlled by dictators, I\'m certain these Islamic nations can be a modern and free nations. But, until that happens (Iran just recently banned many "reform" candidates from the elections. The elections determine the, pretty much powerless parliment given that the hard-line clerics have veto power), the so-called "Arab Streets" will not be friendly to the US or the West anytime soon.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2004, 02:32:01 PM by Simchoy »
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