While Catholics vs. Protestent thing isn\'t in itself, racist (more relgious violence then racism), it is, inadvertently, racist given the make up of Catholics and Protestents (Irish are Catholics, Anglo-Saxons are Protestent).
As for why the Arab world hates us, two words, freedom and modernity. America represents both. Freedom, which the fanatical Islamofacist hate because they feel, it is "against Islam", and modernity for, for intent and purpose, modernity left Islam behind (some by choice for modernity is "against their religion"). Part of it, IS jealously. Look at the Arab countries, compared to the the US and other Western nations in terms of wealth productivity (in other words, what does the Arab world produce [other then oil] to help lift them from poverity?). Even in the oil nations, because the wealth never makes it to the common people, MOST still live in extreme poverty. The ecomony, is so dependent on oil that, if the oil were to stop flowing, these nations would be back in complete poverty.
And of course, ignorance is another reason why the hate us. For the dictators to stay in power, they HAVE to have an enemy. That enemy, is the US...Jews, and the "west" in general. All in the name of religion.
Note, there is less "hate" of the US in more "secular" nations like Turkey and Indonesia. However, even in these nations, they do have "fundamentalist" leanings and extremist groups that could change that if they were ever to take power.
Yes, like EVERYTHING, this doesn\'t mean ALL Arabs/Muslims (majority of Muslims are not Arabs) believe this. Just those that choose to follow their dictator, do so with their religion. The only way this can change, is if the the moderates in the religion becomes change this perception, DON\'T expect this to happen anytime soon.
As for the UN, until they solve the Congo crisis, Zimbabwe crisis, Ivory Coast crisis, Kosovo (its still unstable no matter what Clark says), then I would care what they do.