isn\'t it amazing how god infused us with the the sexual sensation? I mean all you have to do is look at a nice lookin chick & boing! i mean what did he say? "when thou seeath that buttocks or breast thou will want to slayeth that a** or geteth your freak on, or layeth the pipe, get layeth,... a joining of the flesh. when i was a kid (and this is besides the fact that sometimes your johnson would sometimes grow for no-reason in school) say i would see like maybe my kindergarden teacher low-cut blouse with a little cleavage & up periscope!
yea i\'m joking but he knew what he was doin when he created that act. heh sex feels good as he**..uhm disregard that bit right there

. And what did he say when he made man? maybe something like this "i will make ye in reflection of myself & thou with thy DARKETH skin tone i will give thee thy EXTRA blessing of endowment!" j/k

anyway i\'m just saying it\'s funny how we are just instantly attracted to the opposite sex. i mean yea animals are to but they do it certain times of the year or such they don\'t really have an attraction thing goin on. meh anyway this is just one of those i\'m bored at work today threads..and the ol mind is thinking of crazy s**t ..just goes to show what men think about 24hrs a day!:p
ps: all of you religious heads can replace god with whomever you see fit buddah, allah etc.. all science fic. heads can replace him with E.T.