Seriously, anyone who says worse is an idiot and wrong.
No Titan, you would not rather live in Roman times. You can forget about things like free speech, the sheer number of activities you can do to enjoy yourself, living in comfort in terms of weather(you know they didn\'t have heaters for the past 200 years...I can\'t imagine living in Canada without heat), can\'t have nearly the amount of sex you have now(...), you\'re way of thinking would be one dimensional, if your parents sucked then automatically YOU suck too,etc. If you were a Roman you know how much ****ing walking you would do? Conquer here fight there...all in an 80 pound suit of armor. You would be such an uncomfortable puppet...
If you think it\'s so much worse today...leave. Go make a little fort in the forest and live in it. Go live in a cave without technology. Move to a third world country. See what it\'s like living in primitive times and judge for yourself.
The fact is, we will never have a perfect society or world. Like I said in another thread, humans are not perfect beings. We have our flaws, savage human instincts. We desire power and control. We are greedy, seflish, inconsiderate of everyone else around us, but we are who we are. We are meant to live in a such a sophisticated society because we are an advanced lifeform. The past, the roman times, the fudal ages the dark ages, just trial and error to keep improving on society which is a necessity. We will never have it perfect, we can only hope to achieve one goal at a time and solve problems where there are possible solutions.
Slavery...just one word and it makes you cringe. No explanation needed.
"true we have more technology and what not, but does it make us happier? no"
Yes. Lesser technology produces inferior results. We\'re an advanced being and without technology, what would aid us to satisfy our advanced needs? We strive to improve upon everything...most of those things needed improvement on like communication, shelter, printing press, food, healthcare, etc?
"Bah....better live few great years and die than live many years in agony, stress, disappointemnt without achieving anything signifigant"
What was so great about being able to do nothing? You think the people who lived to be 30 achieved anything besides working and living like an animal for someone who was born into a better life and can coast through life doing nothing?
I don\'t know why I\'m going on about this. If you ever attended a history class then you would be thankful of the world we live in today and appreciate the superior lifestyle we live in today. Someone give a reasonable explanation as to why you would rather live in the past than today. And if you do, prepare for a decently well thought rebuttal that\'s not ridilled with grammatical and spelling errors!