I think some things are naturally improving all the time. Ignorance is no where near at the level it once was. Think about how much bigger ignorance was in times before TV, radio, computers, etc. Information was so much harder to access. Then if you really wanna go back to the middle ages, there isn\'t any comparison.
Social standards are improving. Levels of racism once accepted as normal are no longer accepted by society. Although people do still hold racist beliefs, their numbers are shrinking, and the trend is towards acceptance.
Medical advances not only mean that there are longer life spans, but also that fewer people die painful deaths from various illnesses. Nutrition is better than it was if you go back a couple hundred years, and working conditions and living conditions have also improved dramatically in many countries. Although there is still sweatshop labor, the trend is towards more nations getting rid of this than ones with restrictions getting rid of them.
The thing that really makes me say that the world is better though is just looking at my every day life. So many of the things I enjoy doing I couldn\'t have done a hundred years ago. This ranges from things like television and the computer, to how widespread and easily accessible music is, to even things like playing basketball, a game that wasn\'t widespread a hundred years ago. So many new amazing things just keep happening, that if you actually live life with a positive outlook, things really are better than they ever have been.