Originally posted by clips
homosexuality crosses all ethnic groups...this is true, but the majority of human beings are heterosexual. If you are with your child and he sees two men kissing on the street. he\'s gonna be shocked might laugh or say oooh daddy look! Now we all know kids are taught from day one in one way or another to like the opposite sex. Now i know some will say .".see that\'s what society wants you to think!" sorry but that is bulls**t.
The kid will react to what he\'s come to know as the appropriate response. If he\'s been told it\'s wrong then he\'ll react in a negative manner. If he\'s been told that\'s just the way things are then he probably won\'t give it a second thought.
Having a kid you know how much they pick up from
your behavior. When they get to school it turns over to their peers.
even in nursery rhymes & story books it\'s taught to like the opposite sex. Now if my son sees it & he has, i wouldn\'t allow him to make fun of the act or whatever. i told him some men & women like to be with each-other and i left it at that. he said uh -uh not for me i like tweet! (the r&b singer). anyway only thing he needs to be focusing on at this point in his life is school & getting good grades.
Only because it\'s seen as being socialably acceptable. You can\'t teach sexual preference.
What story books are telling you is that it\'s
normal to have feelings for the opposite sex. Nowhere do you see a book condemning otherwise.
this goes right back to the sex thread. men are attracted to women. Now are gays born that way? Maybe cause i don\'t think you\'re just gonna wake up one day & say damn..i feel like gettin my back broke by racer!;) j/k racer.
Nothing has been proven.