Crap... well you guys have forced it out of me.
First off I don\'t want to start a religious debate, but I am going to start off by saying I am a Christian. However I\'m not your typical Bible thumping Christian, I like to generalize and make exceptions for what my own divine intellect percieves as "right" and "wrong".
Homosexuality doesn\'t seem so evil to me. Love is love. I kind of bite my tongue when people at church discuss it and say things like, "so sick", "demented, "twisted".
So let them get married, why not? Is anybody losing money or being physically harmed by it? Not really.
Now the issue about children... I believe that it is vital to have a mother, as a nurturer. Can a male play this role? Highly doubtful. Aside from all the scientific nature involved, think about the child. Unquestionably he would live a life of harrassment for having gay parents. Unless you\'re in some gay Utopia society, the kid will undergo a very rough upbringing.