I could just do this on my own, but I\'m curious about what you guys think first --
How about recombining console discussion with the main forum and pc hardward\\software again, political events with off-topic and suggestions with off-topic as well? That way, all that will be left for public view is the main forum and the off-topic forum. I just think that\'s the way it should be as this forum, though it carries the name of psx2central is hardly that of a ps2 only site anymore. We\'re all broad gamers now and we all have our love for different topics at hand and I think we might as well make it one big smelting pot instead of segragating topics. What do you all think?
For the intelectually impaired, that would look something like this:
Main Forum \\
Comp Forums ------> Main Forum
Console /
Political \\
Off Topic -------------> Off Topic