When talk whent from the typical to chat about a new name for PSX2central and new direction everyone seemed really excited. I know I was, but it\'s been months and so far all I have seen is a banner that looks way out of place with the rest of the site. The place still speaks PSX2central all over it, along with articles that we\'re written ages ago.
I figure this issue has been brought up before, but lately it seems people have avoided it. It\'s amazing how well these forums survive on their own without the support of the site. The boards actually support the site here, but imagine if the ball actually got rolling on getting the new look and recent news going.
I know people lead busy lives but I was honestly looking forward to the change our beloved PSX2central was going to take. I\'ve waited a while now, isn\'t it time someone fess up?
There\'s people all over the internet willing to write articles and such, please atleast go find some of them and bring them here..then this place will feel more like a site didicated to bringing us the latest news, previews, reviews..etc... It\'ll no longer seem like a ghost town.
What was once one of the more popular PS2 fan sites on the internet has lost it\'s touch. All that really remains is the boards, even they lost a heartbeat or two.
Im not here to point fingers but I\'d really appreciate if someone could walk me through who\'s supposed to be behind the refurbishing and why they might not be doing it.
thanks in advance...