I completely agree with the practice of saying you closed the thread and why. I always did the same thing myself when I was a mod, and then an administrator at other forums. Once again, those forums were the ones on n64cc.com, a site also owned by bjorn, run the same way, with similar members. So I know what it\'s like to be a staff member on a message board such as this one, and I think the various people here that went to that board (ROL Jamas, Fayded, etc.) can tell you I was always fair there.
I do not hold grudges on messages boards, and I have always also acted as a mediator myself in appropriate situations. I have helped to run another website and message board that was actively posted at, which members like Fayded and unfocused went to, and I think they can tell you that that worked out well too. Whenever anyone had a problem, I always wanted them to come to me, and encouraged them to do so. I was always fair, and always available. And I am the same way here.
Perhaps the member that I have gotten the most frustrated with in various threads has been alliswell/Clowd. However, I never let that affect how I posted around him. A good example of this is in
this thread, where even though it was Clowd starting a relgious thread, when I saw nothing wrong with what he was doing, I didn\'t jump all over him like a lot of other members did, and actually defended him because he had done nothing wrong in that situation. That is the way I would like to mod. I wouldn\'t judge people based on their histories or on what might happen, just on what they actually do in that individual topic. That\'s the way I try to be as a member, and it would carry over into me being a moderator.
As for looking at things with a more critical eye, I personally wouldn\'t. If something doesn\'t bother me as a normal member, why should I look at it differently as a mod? I would consider doing something about posts that seriously bother me, be it by spam or flaming or something inappropriate, just as a normal member. Why would you change yours standards just because of a different position? Both Cored and Kurt have mentioned changing the way they look at things as mods, but I have found that is the exact wrong way to look at things. Don\'t change the way you look at posts, and definitely don\'t change how you post. Being a mod doesn\'t define you. You\'re nominated because you\'ve been a good poster here, so why would you change anything? Just help to make sure the forums run smoothly. That\'s all that you need to do. If that requires a change, then maybe you\'re looking at things wrong.
And I do like the idea of other members asking us questions clips. If you have any, please, fire away.