I was going to say something but i forget what i am trying to say. Titan make a good point about PETA being pushy on forcing people to believe it. And teachers can be pushy on their beliefs too and they do things undercover. Believe me, i had a teacher that talks christianity in class and a student was against and said that the church and school is seperate. I agree, the law simply stated teacher can\'t talk religion in class. At least not in a public school. What kinda angers me are how other students was against the guy that speak up that\'s it\'s against the law to talk christianity in class. I think i know why other students defend the teacher because they are mostly protestants and somewhat intolerance.
Man, maybe i am too nice and again because of my headache, i wasn\'t really aware of the situation. Otherwise, i may tell the office about it if it really angers me.
Its true, you have the right to go to her superior and report her of the incident if it really angers you. Because i sometimes realize how unfair teachers are on the students...(psstt...they sometimes do things undercover that tick me off).