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Originally posted by Titan I\'m glad PETA has opposition. I support the The Center for Consumer Freedom 100%. We need animal testing. It sickens me that the people in PETA would chose a few lab rats over the life of a child. I had a friend die exactly one year ago from leukemia (which is a cancer of the blood) so PETA can shove their views up their ass. Its sad when a child dies from leukemia, but it seems to PETA that a rats life is worth more than a childs. F*** them.
When it comes to this issue i will say this...If it ever came down to it and i had to go into a field and kill every...Horse....Rabbit...cow....sheep....rat....cat.....dog....mouse....if for one moment..IF FOR ONE MOMENT... i might think it would be a bit of a Laugh....
Originally posted by sabrina screw the peta a childs life is more important than stupid rat.
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip Kopking, is that you?
Originally posted by videoholic Nah, sabrina used a period.Kopking doesn\'t have one.