The requirements for a driver\'s license in most states in the US are a joke. If you can see your own hand in front of your face, memorize the answers to 20 questions, and drive a car around the block without bumping into anything, you can get a license. Our roads are filled with brain dead IDIOTS who don\'t have the first clue about how to drive, or what rules to observe.
For example:
1. If you are driving on a multilane freeway in the left lane, and cars begin passing you on the RIGHT, what do you do?
2. If two cars arrive at the same time at an intersection with a four way stop sign, which car goes first?
3. When the traffic light turns yellow, what do you do?
4. How do you make a left onto a busy street with on traffic signal?
I can think of many other examples specific to the high congestion in Los Angeles, but they may not apply to your rural neck of the woods. Driving requirements in LA should be more restrictive than they are.