One thing I hate about UT04 is how they encourage jumping. I remember back in the days of Quake, the crazy jumpers were despised and looked down upon. Now if you don\'t do all of the dodges, wall dodges, dodge jumps, wall dodge jumps, etc, you will get your butt kicked. I just don\'t like how everyone is bouncing around like idiots.

Yes, FPS\'s do need to evolve over time, but this is one change of the genre I don\'t support.
Oh, and to relate this to Halo 2 vs UT04, Halo\'s jumps are more old school, where jumping can be useful, but because it\'s so floaty it is also very dangerous. So for that reason (as well as many, much more important reasons

), Halo 2 will be the clear winner.
BTW, as Toxical said, I think Half Life 2 will own both of them.