don\'t know whether your defending MJ b/c you think alcohol or MJ should be illegal or you just want to be free to get high. If it came to a decision, ban all three for all I care. And if that happen, what would you do? Would you still bitch about you not being able to turn stupid legally?
Vivi(the MJ expert) has pointed out something. MJ is a gateway drug...TO HARDER DRUGS!! Cigarretes aren\'t "harder" than MJ.
It\'s only "high" in the demand because of the stupid teenage fad that weed is. That\'s all MJ is, a fad. Teenagers smoke it, like it, and become used to it. Not only that but they get it into their heads that it\'s "good" for you. Yes it is recommended by doctors for some medicinal purposes. But let me ask you this again, how many of those people that are in "high" demand of MJ actually use it for that? NONE. MJ is a pure pleasure drug that shouln\'t be allowed. Alcohol can be degraded by adding other things to it. Cigarretes are just bad for you. People don\'t accept it though. So listen, unless you have glaucoma or cancer you shouln\'t be doing it. If you are so inclined on doing it for some reason then go ahead but please do it in a locked room so you don\'t go outside. I\'ve seen people die from MJ related accidents, I\'ve seen people break down b/c of it, I\'ve seen kids being beaten up because they stole it.
I\'ve tried MJ before. It felt pretty...loose. I liked it of course. I was one of those punks running around telling everyone I did it. Not anymore, I\'ve some extent(I put myself down for you Giga
