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Author Topic: Microsoft vs Sony, the war continues on HD-DVD  (Read 485 times)

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Microsoft vs Sony, the war continues on HD-DVD
« on: March 02, 2004, 03:42:58 AM »

So the MS WM9 codec has been approved as one of three provisional codecs to be used in the next home video format backed by the DVD Forum.  Another format being backed primarily by Sony will be called Blu-ray will be battling HD-DVD in yet another format war to see who takes the home video HD crown.

*yawn*  They should have just stayed with the DVD Forum and not try to be greedy on their own.  Though with all the nit-picking and delays a forum can bring Sony may have a chance here.

Someone posted this at HTF as a background for the improvment of technolgies from one format to the next:

LD 90% Improvement over VHS
DVD 70% Improvement over LD
HD-720p 165% Improvement over DVD
HD-1080p 500% Improvement over DVD

Just an update for you techies.  More info to come after the next DVD Forum meeting.

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Microsoft vs Sony, the war continues on HD-DVD
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2004, 07:59:29 AM »
What sort of software compression technology are the Sony group looking at using?  Their blu-ray disks are a little larger in capacity (current specs), but there isn\'t much about thier software playback.  Are they going to go with a higher compression format like WM9?  Staying with a lower compression format and using their larger storage?

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Microsoft vs Sony, the war continues on HD-DVD
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2004, 11:49:45 AM »
Okay, to clear up confusion.  There are several next generation HD formats war going on.
But let me pulled out the two important ones:

AOD- Advanced Optical Disc supported by Toshiba and NEC


Blu-Ray -Supported by Sony, Panasonic, Pioneer, PHilips, and other major brand electronics.

AOD spec
15 - 20 Gbytes single layer and 30 - 40 Gbytes dual layer
supports MPEG-2, MPEG-4, and WM9

Blu Ray spec
27 Gbytes single layer and 50 Gbytes dual layer
only supports MPEG-2.


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