sorry to hear that Q. i remember some years back when i lived in newark i knew this cat that lived in my he was cool as hell, and he sold drugs but you know never bothered nobody..and i went down south for the 4th of july..when i came back i heard somebody shot him. Y\'know i knew him but i didn\'t shed any tears, it was just weird seein\' him before i left and then just like that he\'s gone.
I know some here say meh i don\'t fear death..i won\'t say i don\'t fear it moreless i don\'t think about it. i will say this in the summertime in the part of newark i was at you would hear gunshots on the norm...had to get my kids up outa that s**t. i\'m in piscataway now & it\'s nicer..quiet suburbs etc..not sayin that stuff like that won\'t happen here but the chances are a bit smaller of it happening.
don\'t get me wrong i love my peeps in newark, it\'s just that some of them are wilding down there. I say that cause some people (myself) learn to appreciate the nice neighborhood they\'re in now compared to those that grew up in them. That\'s why i feel those kids that shot that school up "columbine" didn\'t appreciate what they had..just two..excuse my french"white boys" with nothing better to do than sit around all day & think up crazy s**t to do.
no offense intended

so qdog i know these scenarios with death seem to have you like oh well it\'s just another life, continue to focus on self and try to appreciate all that life has to offer..i know it sounds corny..but it\'s the truth.