could care less about this,..she\'ll bounce back from this without breakin\' a sweat. she\'s also startin\' to get a bit tossed around now..she\'s had quite a few relationships already..1st hubby,...puff,..judd nelson,..ben affleck..yep.the poononie definitely got some miles on it,...but still i know ben used to tear that A$$ up! man she\'s got a nice fatty on her!
on another note reading the rest of the gossup on that site it seems james caviezel (passion of christ) is being protected by some sort of security team for playing the role of jesus in the movie..some fanatics have already called him anti semite..damn people..get over it! he\'s only an ACTOR!--some people are just pathetic.
finally sarah j.parker & kim cattrall are arguing over getting paid 14.4 million to do the sex & the city movie...i never watched the show until a few weeks ago..heh i actually liked it,..pretty enrtertaining..won\'t find me seein\' the movie or checkin for reruns tho. Anyway hbo offered them 5.4 million plus movie royalties..damn that\'s alot of loot to turn down..& they\'re not gettin\' younger so i say take what you can get..never mind that 5.4 mill is nothing to sneeze at.
yea i know i\'m rattlin\' but it\'s 2:40 am and i\'m struggling to stay awake at work..usually i\'m a zombie by 4am but this night shift has been bad this time around..i\'ve been gettin tired around 11pm..that\'s wayy too early considering i get off at 8am.