Originally posted by Kurt Angle
This just shows what happens when you sack someone (Villeneuve) who is taking a huge wage. Since he went the team have much more cash to spend on development etc.
I never reallly rated Villeneuve anyway. He was a worthy world champion in 97, but he\'s done sod all since then. He got too concerned with trying to get as big a £££ contract as possible. He had the opportunity to join McLaren a few years ago if he took a pay cut and turned it down. Quite simply put, he priced himself out of a competitive seat. He chose a mega £££ contract before a competitive team. He paid the price for being greedy, the one team that were willing to blow money on him decided it was enough, and told him his services were no longer required.
There are a few people saying he might be in for a seat at Williams next season, as it looks almost certain that both of their drivers will be leaving at the end of this season. I personally don\'t think he should get it, he simply doesn\'t deserve it anymore, and to be honest, I\'ll be very surprised if he does get it.
Jacques has had his spot in the limelight, it\'s time for him to let go for good, and let one of the young guns ascend the throne.
F1 is not the right place for mushy sentimentallity, F1 is a ruthless sport, only the youngest, fittest drivers with a passion for racing, and who\'s flame is still burning with intense vigour will survive and prosper.
If Villeneuve comes back, he will be shown for what he is by his prospective team mate...... and that is a money orientated passionless driver, who\'s racing flame died out years ago.
If Gilles Villeneuve knew what Jacques did for the latter part of his career, he\'d be turning in his grave. There was a man who was only interested in racing, that camew first, money came second. He put his life on the line to go as fast as possible, and ended up paying the ultimate price for it.