Originally posted by JP
I\'m looking to buy one as well (60GB version).
It\'s got so much more value than an iPod. The iPod looks a lot cooler though and the menu system and interaction part is easier, and it\'s smaller than the Zen. But that doesn\'t justify it\'s ludicrous price point and the fact that the battery dies after 18 months and is a bitch to replace. So I\'ve decided to buy a Zen Xtra instead.
I beg to differ. Apple\'s replacement plan is absolutely spectacular when it comes to the iPod. If ANYTHING goes wrong with it, they fix\\replace it. I had a battery problem where the unit would overheat and apple didn\'t just replace the battery, they replaced the entire unit without question and sent my friend a replacement remote since his stopped working, no questions asked. Being a "bitch" to replace only makes sense if you yourself are trying to crack the thing open and replace it yourself, but why waste the money on that when, inside of a business week, marring shipping of course, you can have it replaced professionaly and without fault.
As for your other comments, being lighter, a great menu interface, the interaction, the smaller design, the compatibility and ease of use with iTunes and just about any mp3 under the sun and apple\'s own proprietary format when downloaded off the iTunes store, I don\'t see how those things don\'t justify the price as they are the quintisential elements that make a piece of hardware worth the investment. I don\'t want to spend less on something that is sub par and a pain to work with when the quality of the iPod and its ease of use is already established and a bonified fact.
Of course though, that\'s just experience talking. Buy whatever floats your boat, but my money is with the iPod on this one after a year of use. Oh, and that warranty I spoke of goes on for another two years as of this past February and they mail out the packages for the iPod to be placed in when you need a repair all done through Apple\'s website which arrives the next day. Just FYI.