Originally posted by luckee
If you think I dont need to "show" your kids, then you need to keep control of your kids huh?
One of the biggest problems in the country. Not accepting responsibility for their kids, instead having someone else be liable. Nice logic.
I was totally waiting for that statement as a matter of fact I almost made the comment on my previouse post but decided to wait for some other fool to make it...
You have no Idea the amount of responibily I take for my kids they are probably more shelterd then most....
But how in the world am I suppose to "keep control of my kids" in that situation oh wait I got it I dont let them go out front and play in my yard because the neighboor need to boink the girlfriend or watch porn on the bigscreen with the front window open. So its your house and you have the right to watch porn or boink with the window when you want. It your right.... Its your freedom.
Well arent you infringing on my freedoms on my rights if I have to not do something thats granted me as a freedom because I need to protect my son from what your doing?
I agree not enough people take responsiablity for there kids.... I DO. I still cant protect them from everything I cannot possibly follow them around every single place the go. Can you imagine when you were a kids if your parents did that to you? Do you think the could of? Would you have wanted them do?
Now there are somethings I can control I can prevent them from getting porn on my computer and from watching it on my TV but if the cross walk guard tells my 8 year old heh look at this is it my fault? I would probably blam myself in the end.