Damn I don\'t come around a while and three pages just pile up...
It\'s our intelligence that separates is from other species of animals. I agree. But, our intelligence should allow us to make wise choices and knowing what to expect, what is necessary and what should be stopped. We aren\'t superior to anything. Sure we are superior to a dog, we can run them over. To a cow, we can shoot them. To a deer, we can hunt them. But for what reason? Isn\'t a major part of our intelligence reason?
Whether or not a deer can find a "cure for cancer" or "world peace" is irrelevant. How good are we at stopping wars? I guess we\'re pretty good considering that we have seen the destruction and death that they cause. That\'s why we are in one now. "Cure for cancer" Most of our medicine comes from living organisms themselves that attack the illness. Whether they are "alive" in technical terms or not we need them to survive. And what do we do? Do we in any way ever try to live together with them? Peace and harmony among what? Us humans?
Have any of you ever seen a dodo bird? I wonder why. "Survival of the fittest" is a lame excuse for us to carry out our animalistic insticts onto another creature without the worry of a bad conscience. That\'s the reason people hunt, for the "thrill of the kill" Sounds pretty animal to me.
We all live on one planet. Animals, they live their live, they live the "circle of life" on their own way. Humans, we live our lives, we adapt everything around us to our lives and we try to change the "circle of life" Is it any good for us? No. Isn\'t that the reason why we are losing much of our rainforest...which we need to survive? Isn\'t that the reason why our ozone layer is crippled and ironically we are killing it when it\'s the very thing that keeps us alive? Nobody cares. We choose to live our life by the day. Thinking that our superiority to other creatures is reason enough for us to take advantage of it. Why don\'t you go try catching a thunderbolt to see who is more superior then?
I couln\'t give two shits about religious beliefs. In fact, that is what dragged me away from that mess. I know that if God put us here to "reign over the animals" he must have meant to live with them. Not to kill them for your selfish purpose. God is "created in our image" I\'m pretty sure God doesn\'t kill his own creation for fun. I don\'t see anything wrong about killing an animal for food or other issues that will help us survive. I just don\'t see the point of pointless killing that goes on every day and how as intelligent as we are don\'t accept that is morally and above that naturally wrong. NO animal kills for leisure. If the Bible does send that kind of message upon the people, well that sucks doesn\'t it. But I\'m pretty sure that the rest of the non-Christian world has something to say about it. It\'s not about religious or spiritual beliefs, is about knowing what is best and what is right. And as long as we keep evading the truth, our intelligence is worth nothing.
Superiority doesn\'t exist. It only exist in our minds. Do animals kill each other for superioriority. Yes. But that\'s withing their own "people", like how we wipe each other out for superiority. They use their superiority for survival, we use it sometimes. I just hope that my kid\'s kid\'s can see what a deer looks like alive and don\'t have to visit a "cool" museum in order to see them.
It\'s not whether they feel. It\'s not whether they can think. It\'s not whether we are superior. It\'s whether they can suffer.