Originally posted by luckee
Who are you to say what is right and wrong? Ever live in an URBAN area where deer are actually a problem? One of my mom\'s neighbors kids was attacked by a deer in their backyard. In some areas animals are seriously a big nuisance and killing them is the way to go. Not everyone has big money to deter animals, but a rifle can be had for $230 and ammo is cheap.
You liking to comm. with ppl and it being a necessity for you to do it via the net are two different things. Thats also another story in itself, I just brought it up for comparison purposes.
Who ever said your statement "infuritated" me? It didnt even make me mad. I just wanted to point out some irony in your necessity statement.
Oh you brought up a different matter here.Similar to the one in Cyprus.My father is from one of the villages were the cyprus deer that is an endangered species comes and destroys some of the agriculture.
This have nothing to do with killing animals for sport and without any particular need.You are talking about protection.Its a means of survival.So that changes the whole direction of the conversation.
Unless if I judge from experience that some people use that event as an excuse to kill to cover it up with faked motivations.
I would have been a hypocrite if:
1) I accepted that I have the right do whatever I want and agreed that animals should be killed whenever I like to.
2) I said that I am perfect with no weaknesses
3)I accepted that its in our nature to be greedy so no one can deny my nature
I couldnt have communicated with people outside my country with such ease and cheaply without the help of the internet.And neither the chance to discuss such subjects.
Ofcourse if you want me to be fair I admit that I use the internet for other unneeded purposes becuase I have weaknesses as well.But atleast the use of it doesnt take anything from someone else(unlike killing animals for enterteinment).And neither I am finding an excuse to make it look like as if its not a weakness.
It would have been ironic if I insisted on others weaknesses and acted as if I dont have any.You think I am puting labels on people.No.Actually I am doing self-criticism at the same time.