If you want, I can find the exact article off of TechTV.com, where they done reviews of services that do exactly what you are praising NetFlix.com for taking on.
The problem is simple, video quality will never be on par with a regular DVD and it limits the users to much. What about narrowband users? Remember, a large portion of the US is still not wired for true broadband and when I say that, I am counting out crap services such as DirecPC or other sattelite based "broadband" internet services.. Then there is the other problems, such as what about extra features? You won\'t be downloading them - thus you will miss out on a lot of content.
For the price that NetFlix is going to charge you, twenty dollars for three movie\'s , plus your download time, you could drive to your local Blockbuster video, rent three movie\'s for less than twenty dollars, grab a Mcdonald\'s cheeseburger , drive home and watch the movie in it\'s true video form / audio form and enjoy the extra features.
the internet is only getting faster
The new advances we have help. Yes, things are getting faster all around, not just with the internet. The problem is the fact that around 60 percent of US citzen\'s can\'t take advantages of simple advancements such as broadband, not to even mention the new high-tech stuff that is always being developed.