As some of you know, I have a love/hate relationship with Warcraft 3 online. I\'ve come to the conclusion that the lowest forms of life play this game.
I just spent 45 minutes TRYING to play a game.
I joined one, and some people lagged out or quit making it 4 on 1 (the 1 being me) within about 45 seconds.
Joined another one and I got called every name in the book and was repeatidly called "noob"\' because i wouldn\'t make the exact troops this dude wanted me to make.
I don\'t know how many times I\'ve typed "This is only a game" to these people who take it very personally when they lose.
Joined another one and was attacked and destroyed by one of my own teammates because someone else on our team made him mad.
Decided to try one more time... Right from the start one of my teammates was actually named "IKILLTEAMATES"
Guess what happened?
The amount of stupidity I\'ve seen on has been enough to last the rest of my life.
So, after 500+ games online, I officially retire from the sad world of 12 year old morons that is Warcraft 3.
Are all online strategy-type games ful of this much retardation? Or is this a Warcraft 3/ specific situation?