No one gets to mention Dolph Lundgren or his version of the Punisher in this thread. If it happens, I\'ll kill you. You have been warned.Of all the movies coming out in the next couple of months, I would imagine this one getting the most flack for whatever reason whether it\'s cheese or otherwise. It\'ll be most interesting to read the comments of people who are going to see it here. I plan to do a double feature and see Punisher and Kill Bill volume 2 this friday. I know what the basic premise of the Punisher is -- about his family being murdered and him seeking revenge\\justice, but how this movie unfolds is unknown to me which is probably a really good thing.
I have literally no expectations and it could surprise me, or any of you, but I\'m not keeping my hopes up at all. Is there anyone else going to see it this Friday?
For those of you who are at all interested or know nothing about it, the trailers\\teasers can be found