That\'s why I bought my tickets a month before the show. You live and you learn.
As for the concert, the mars volta only played two songs, but they played them for an hour. It was amazing, especially seeing that they played them completely different than they had last time I saw them. Completely blew my mind away, and Cedric\'s on stage antics are a thing to behold. At one point in the show he picked up one of the lights on stage and started pointing it around the crowd and dancing like a maniac. It was something you had to have seen.
As for APC, I was quite impressed. Didn\'t really add too much flare to any of their songs besides the nurse who loved me, but they were spot on every song. Plus maynard played a special song, "Fred\'s got slacks". Truely one of the best weekends I\'ve had in a while.
Oh and plus there was a llama show next door to the arena so I got to see a llama auction before they opened the doors. $50,000 for a llama, what the hell.