Originally posted by SwifDi
Actually I just noticed he isn\'t even 14 yet... He\'s a mere 13 years old, not even in high school... Just makes it even more funny that he thinks he is old enough to form opinions on government and politics... I\'m pretty sure all he is doing is probably regurgitating crap he hears from his liberal parents.
How old are you? surely not 18, cause if you are you need to go back to high-school and relearn history.
All you people who think I’m 13 or whatever need to realize that I’m more in tune to the “real world” then all you turds put together.
All you 20 year old wannabe know it all "Patriots" who think that might-is-right will just repeat the past and in the end, the USA will end up like the Roman Empire.
I guess history books were in short supply at your schools huh?
I don’t\' get my views from my parents, i get them through books, and looking at the other side of the conflict instead of through the propaganda filled media that has brainwashed some of you.