You know, even as aggressive as toxical seems to be, being 13 is not an issue really. If they are infact 13.
I know a 12 year old who can completely rebuild transmissions and and change motors in cars. He is also exceptional in engineering and physics.
Age hasn\'t much to do with it if they know what they are talking about.
I won\'t say that this person doesnt sound ignorant in some of his posts from what I have seen, but alot of you do as well when you try to bash them.
Why doesnt everyone just relax?
As for the issue at hand. I think it was an inherent sign of weakness for Spain to pull it\'s troops. I don\'t agree with what we and the rest of the alliance is doing, but they shouldn\'t have shown signs of weakness to the fanatics and the rest of the world for that fact. Now they are even more convinced that bombings are the way to go to get what they perceive to be right.