Bet you five bucks it won\'t last long...
Sina...she knows. All of her Republican/coinceited friends know. They just like to bitch. But I\'m not complaining, I know I probably couln\'t afford college without a grant. Thank God for my brown skin. On another note, have you noticed how white people who love to bash on hispanics, my "friend" for example, my girlfriend\'s friend, all their friends, they all talk about how it\'s unfair that just because I\'m Hispanic blah blah blah...then they say "ohh yeah I got an appt. at the tanning place" HAHAHA Looosers. I don\'t like white chicks with tans anyways. And white girls in my opinion are the hottest. When a white chick is hot...she is HOTTER than anybody else in that place at the moment...except if she has a hotter friend.