Originally posted by Lord Nicon
He had some powers before. We unlocked certain moves in DMC but not the powers really. I mean think about it. Hes been in the business and he knows his dad is sparda. I dont think that out of nowhere he just figures when he gets alastor that he can transform.
Anyway. This is looking preatty shitty. The sword shouldnt even be there and if this has nothing to do with the first game at all or even the DMC Universe, then this is going to be a hack and slash with more depth to the hacking and slashing. Thats about it.
The original wasnt just driven by the action. If the story sucked the big one, then i highly doubt that it would have gotten as much praise, especially on these forums.
In his office in DMC1 you could see many swords stabbed on demon heads hanged on the walls.Hints probably to previous adventures of his and swords he gained.
Got to agree.The story wasnt one of the best.But thankfully it was executed well enough to keep people satisfied and interested.It was a part of Dante\'s past,story and backround.Even some of the bosses were a part of his past (like Angelo).Dante and the story evolved and progressed together in DMC1 making gamers to appreciate and like Dante even more.Unlike the stupid DMC2 storyline featuring a stupid spoiled rich idiot as a boss with a gayish idiotic voice trying to become an all powerfull demon or something, a stupid old lady with bunny teeth that playied almost no role in the story and a useless female character with almost no backround at all.It was just Dante placed there with the excuse of a shity story.Bleh.You sometimes even hated Dante.He was so different as a character.
Originally posted by kopking
Crazy Giant Weapons: The old twelve foot, curvy electro-sword will definitely make an appearance.
im guessing that is what you are saying is the allistar????? when ever was it 12 feet long???
he doesnt getthe allistar, or his powers till dmc, after he gets allistar
Well...i ommit the size and give attention to the "curvy electro-sword".Also to point that out it probably means that they are refering to the previous sword.