Me and a friend has started to write down "really important" problems that you can really get upset for. We call them Industrial world problems.
It started out as a joke and still is. These are problems that people in our part of the world actually gets upset for.
Here is some of the problems from the list.
1. Damn, I cant drink this coke, its warm. (me during a session of Babylon 5)
2. Where the hell is Isobuster, I cant find it!!
3. I hate XP!! It boots so slow!!
4. I cant find the remote, wtf!!
5. This pizza tasted like shit!
6. Close that connection, it will take almost an hour to download, find an other user.
7. Damn, the sound doesnt work and I have the latest codecs!
8. "Windows will now reboot....."
9. I hate lag, I need a better broadband.
10. I think I need a new GFX card.
Fell free to comment and add some of you problems.