Foreign policy is only a part of the reason. Today, many Arabic countries are a political and economic disaster; in a world increasingly democratic and prosperous.
They rage at the loss of prestige and wonder why they are so often defeated and humiliated by the west. They
ask how this can happen if they are blessed by God. Since Allah cannot be at fault, who is? Worse still, how
can it be that Americans who are “filled with drugs, sex, and crime” are so powerful? These fundamentalists tend to blame "non-believers" for their problems.
These people merge hatred, terrorism and the targeting of civilians with religion. Regardless of what is going on in Iraq these people will hate us for our lifestyle due to the fact we are not Muslim and don\'t follow their misguided beliefs. To say that our foreign policy is to blame is ignorant as well as assuming we will be safe from attack if we pull out of the region.
Our policies regarding Israel and the Arab world will never be balanced when you have countries like Saudi Arabia who in one breath say they are our ally and in the next covertly support our enemy in war.