Well, the NTSC gamers get the lesser image quality. The PAL60 version will probably be more close to those pc screen captures.
Anyway, the game is coming along quite nicely. You can even see Konami put effort into trying to \'emulate\' visual FX from pc DX9 games. Of course, the somewhat lower polygoncount is a giveaway that this is not a high end pc game. But that\'s not a problem since Kojima\'s team excells at efficiently making relatively low poly models \'looking\' smoothed.
But I see there\'s one problem which remains... something that bugged MGS2 as well ; light/dark, contrast and saturation problems. This is kind inherent to PS2 games ; parts of game engines looking washed out. That\'s why MGS2 on PS2 couldn\'t rely on dark-light gameplay mechanics like in SplinterCell. So I hope they\'ll up the contrast level in the Snake Eater engine, or otherwise we\'ll be fiddling with our tv settings again