TORONTO -- Terry Blake is so angry about high gas prices, he\'s willing to go to jail over the issue. On Tuesday morning, the normally law-abiding 71-year-old engaged in a form of gas-and-dash to make his point.
The Port Ryerse, Ont. man filled his car at an Esso station in Simcoe with $25 worth of fuel. He paid the attendant what he considered to be "the fair price" -- $20 in cash -- and drove off.
But not before leaving his name, phone number and address so police could find him.
"I was just trying to make a statement," said the retired gas station owner. "If everybody did that, the price would come down pretty darn fast."
But Mary Padyk, owner of the Esso station, said Blake "is not making a point to anybody because the (money) comes out of my pocket, not Imperial Oil\'s."
Blake\'s wish to be taken away in cuffs and put behind bars might not happen. He has been contacted by police and told if he doesn\'t pay Padyk the extra $5, he will be charged with theft -- probably through a summons in the mail.
Blake\'s wife Mona said she supports her husband "completely."
"We dealt with oil companies long enough to know what they can be like. They can be very inhumane," she said.