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Author Topic: Not to be outdone by prison guards, U.S. helicopter open fires on Iraqi wedding, kill  (Read 2080 times)

Offline ooseven
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I like this Guy....

Yup you also have to factor in how this will effect the attatude of moderate Iraqis.

Its not to say that this or any action will ever drive them to join the insurgent cause, but it will eventually effect them and their lasting attatude toward the west.

Giga...just a quick question for you.

If you where an Iraqi and you had some friends or even family members killed as a result of direct or indirect fire from a US fighter/bomber...

who would you feel ?
« Last Edit: May 25, 2004, 04:56:23 AM by ooseven »
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Offline GigaShadow
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Originally posted by Road Kill Recipies
The answer is no?

or more correctly the answer for YOU is no, the answer for the family of the people who went there to celebrate the wedding is most definitely YES.

your biggest worry today is dodging the boss as you chat in the internet while youre supposed to be working....try burying your dead brothers and sisters and listening to this bullshit from your indifferent lips...this sums up a lot of american feeling towards the middle east...if its not in your own back door then \'it wont change anything\'

how arrogant.

Oh please.  Those people hate us already - like they need another reason.

Maybe your biggest worry is getting a job... or paying for your tuition?  

Besides it wasn\'t a wedding... why don\'t you get a dose of reality.  You represent the current European philosophy of apathy towards anything that isn\'t at YOUR backdoor then you need not worry about it.  Sorry, but that isn\'t reality.  Maybe if Glasgow started glowing you would worry.

BTW what dead "brothers" have you buried?  Since you are at "university" :rolleyes: you might want to get back to studying.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2004, 05:09:31 AM by GigaShadow »
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Originally posted by ooseven

I like this Guy....

Yup you also have to factor in how this will effect the attatude of moderate Iraqis.

Its not to say that this or any action will ever drive them to join the insurgent cause, but it will eventually effect them and their lasting attatude toward the west.

Giga...just a quick question for you.

If you where an Iraqi and you had some friends or even family members killed as a result of direct or indirect fire from a US fighter/bomber...

who would you feel ?

The reality is - I am not an Iraqi.  I don\'t live in a world of hypotheticals unlike you two.  You two make me ashamed to have ancestors from Scotland... I guess the best either came to the US or were resettled in Northern Ireland.

If you knew anything about Arab culture - you would know they embelish events to justify their causes.  Even their religious leaders endorse lying if it is for the greater "good", which is matter of perception.  No matter what the West does - the ones who do not like us will always twist it into something negative.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2004, 05:08:06 AM by GigaShadow »
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Offline ooseven
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Originally posted by GigaShadow
Maybe if Glasgow started glowing you would worry.


Scotland was the scene of the UK Biggest terrorist action.

December 21st. 1988

Pan Am Flight 103


In fact try that very same attitiude on the people of Lockerbie and see where your isn\'t at YOUR backdoor mentality gets you...

Prob accident and emergency at the local NHS hospital.

We got our justice and have the man responsible ...behind bars.

We also managed it with-out invading two countries and spilling yet more blood. :rolleyes:

oh and p.s.

Where is Mr Bin Laden again :

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Offline GigaShadow
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Originally posted by ooseven

Scotland was the scene of the UK Biggest terrorist action.

December 21st. 1988

Pan Am Flight 103


In fact try that very same attitiude on the people of Lockerbie and see where your isn\'t at YOUR backdoor mentality gets you...

Prob accident and emergency at the local NHS hospital.

We got our justice and have the man responsible ...behind bars.

We also managed it with-out invading two countries and spilling yet more blood. :rolleyes:

oh and p.s.

Where is Mt Bin Laden again :


You gained your justice?!?!?!  The US led the fight to get the terrorists extradited from Libya - not the Scots.  How many of those were Scots that died on that Pan Am flight?  How many Scots were killed on the ground?  3?  You act as if Scotland was attacked :rolleyes:.  Give me a break - the plane blew up over Scotland... you can\'t compare 9/11 and Lockerbie in relation to an attack on a country.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Offline ooseven
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Originally posted by GigaShadow

. Even their religious leaders endorse lying if it is for the greater "good",  

What...and our politicians don’t do the same ?

Blair “Iraq is capable of launching WMD in 45 minutes that could hit London”

Whole War campaign “ Iraq has links to Al Quida”

Whole War campaign “ Iraq has WMD”
« Last Edit: May 25, 2004, 05:24:31 AM by ooseven »
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Offline Road Kill Recipies
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Originally posted by GigaShadow
Oh please.  Those people hate us already - like they need another reason.

you are quite wrong in that assumption....but as the blunders come in on a daily basis its no wonder that the ordinary Iraqi it turning against you and your regime

Originally posted by GigaShadow

Maybe your biggest worry is getting a job... or paying for your tuition?  

i work at a College and i run my own business....i graduated from university 10 years ago..why would i need to pay for tuition...its another 6 years till my daughter goes to university...perhaps i will think about it a little nearer the time..

Originally posted by GigaShadow

Besides it wasn\'t a wedding... why don\'t you get a dose of reality.  

ahh, the machine of misinformation runs of well oiled wheels, well certainly in your part of america...

Originally posted by GigaShadow

You represent the current European philosophy of apathy towards anything that isn\'t at YOUR backdoor then you need not worry about it.

wrong again my friend...youre getting good at this...

Originally posted by GigaShadow

BTW what dead "brothers" have you buried?  Since you are at "university" :rolleyes: you might want to get back to studying.

i was referring to the wedding guests who had to bury thier party members...america knows nothing of brotherhood..

as for lockerbie, like ooseven says, we used justice to sort out that particular terrorist, not carpet bombing, illegal invasion and bloodshed....and yet i heard recently that americans think the arabs are a barbaric nation for beheading one of the foriegners...they can learn a thing or two from the bush administration about barbarism...

Offline Road Kill Recipies
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Originally posted by ooseven
What...and our politicians don’t do the same ?

Blair “Iraq is capable of launching WMD in 45 minutes that could hit London”

Whole War campaign “ Iraq has links to Al Quida”

Whole War campaign “ Iraq has WMD”

oh and you forgot that the west was in imminent danger from Iraqs WMD...we have to act now...

thank god those two shells were found...we could all be dead by now.

shock and awe? ha! america lurches from one disaster to the next...the only awesome thing about the iraq campain is how ill thought out it was and the utter ineptitude of its execution...

only YOU, giga,  could be in awe of such a campaign..

Offline ooseven
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Originally posted by Road Kill Recipies
yet i heard recently that americans think the arabs are a barbaric nation for beheading one of the foriegners...they can learn a thing or two from the bush administration about barbarism....

Its Also strange that Both the UK and US support Saudi Arabia even though they have an appalling human right record.

Heck in fact Both UK & US companies ship Torture and execution equipment to Saudi Arabia who coincidentally have one of the most corrupt and flawed “justice" servies on the Planet.

Strange that ?

How on group of Arabs are quite rightfully condemned as barbarians for beheading an western prisoner  

While a whole country (Saudi Arabia) is supported and over looked by our governments…despite the fact that they do the same but on a Grander Scale (only with Arabs).

But then again i forgot the life equation...

1 American life = 1000 Arabs

and then you have to remember what Blair said about paying the Blood Price with UK service men & women before the start of Gulf War 2.

so therefore

1 American life = 1000 Arab Lifes
1 American life = 100 British Lifes

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Offline Road Kill Recipies
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Originally posted by ooseven
Heck in fact Both UK & US companies ship Torture and execution equipment to Saudi Arabia who coincidentally have one of the most corrupt and flawed “justice" servies on the Planet.

ssshhhhhh!!!...we\'re not supposed to let the american know that!

i remember a couple of years ago a Brit was executed by beheading for drinking and vandalism on the streets of Saudi Arabia..

sure everyone says its barbaric but then, these are the laws of the land, break thier rules at your peril...its designed to reduce crime to its lowst level, and it works....now yanks bleat on about...\'oh theyre boming us, please fell sorry for us\'...you invaded thier bloody country...if you invaded mine i might be a little miffed too.

Offline GigaShadow
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Originally posted by Road Kill Recipies
you are quite wrong in that assumption....but as the blunders come in on a daily basis its no wonder that the ordinary Iraqi it turning against you and your regime

Regime - sounds like leftist propaganda to me.  No war is ever perfect - as I said - come back to reality.

i work at a College and i run my own business....i graduated from university 10 years ago..why would i need to pay for tuition...its another 6 years till my daughter goes to university...perhaps i will think about it a little nearer the time..

Sure you do.

ahh, the machine of misinformation runs of well oiled wheels, well certainly in your part of america...

From the other side of the row the same could be said about the news you read.  The Guardian perhaps - or better yet the Daily Mirror? :laughing: I would bet you were one of the first to buy into the faked photos.

america knows nothing of brotherhood..

Talk about arrogant statements.

as for lockerbie, like ooseven says, we used justice to sort out that particular terrorist, not carpet bombing, illegal invasion and bloodshed....and yet i heard recently that americans think the arabs are a barbaric nation for beheading one of the foriegners...they can learn a thing or two from the bush administration about barbarism...

Once again, you didn\'t use justice to get those terrorists... without pressure from the US - you never would have gotten them.  As if Scotland can pressure any other nation to do what it wants.

Lets see Arabs beheading someone on video and Bush being barbaric - nope I don\'t see the connection.

Lastly - are you Muslim?  Just curious since you sound a lot like a Muslim I know who insists Israel was behind 9/11 and no Jews died because they were all "informed" beforehand not to go to work that day. :rolleyes:
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Originally posted by Road Kill Recipies
sure everyone says its barbaric but then, these are the laws of the land, break thier rules at your peril...its designed to reduce crime to its lowst level, and it works....now yanks bleat on about...\'oh theyre boming us, please fell sorry for us\'...you invaded thier bloody country...if you invaded mine i might be a little miffed too.

Of course we invaded their country - what right do you have to determine our foreign policy and national security... also who asked you to feel sorry for us?

We don\'t have to justify our actions to anyone regarding our actions after 9/11 - not to you, not to the press and certainly not to the Iraqi\'s.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Offline ooseven
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Originally posted by GigaShadow
also who asked you to feel sorry for us?

Err how many foreign nationals died in the WTC ?

In fact if I remember correctly there was more foreign nationals killed that Americans in those attacks.

*Side note & off topic*

Additionally most of the people killed where low payed workers (cleaning and Maintenince staff) who where just about to finish there shift in the morning when the attacks happend.

its just a shame that for the most part they seam to be the forgoten few as most analysis say it was an attack of a Muslim terror group ... on rich America.
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Offline Road Kill Recipies
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Originally posted by GigaShadow
Lastly - are you Muslim?

why? what do you associate with the label of Muslim?

would you be intimidated if i were? wow, a Muslim that can speak English better than a Yank...

why dont you guess...you may guess right in which case youre smarter than i give you credit for...if you guess wrong then you are only doing what you know best...branding all Muslims as terrorist...the killing of which \'wont change anything\'

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Originally posted by Road Kill Recipies
why? what do you associate with the label of Muslim?

would you be intimidated if i were? wow, a Muslim that can speak English better than a Yank...

You can speak English better than me?  How would you know?  Your grammar leaves a lot to be desired.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2004, 06:07:16 AM by GigaShadow »
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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