Originally posted by GigaShadow
The US has every right to defend itself in whatever way "it" feels necessary. If that means striking an enemy before they can attack you then so be it.
I have to state that I feel this is deeply wrong. It\'s the same idea as throwing people into jail before they commit a crime, simply because "we know they\'re bad men." In this example I\'m not saying they are NOT bad men; but it\'s a poor reflection on us when we ignore international law by preemptively invading whatever country we choose. We feel bound to the rule of law with regards to individual crimes within our borders, but in international law, we can do whatever we damn well please? It\'s a very dangerous path you\'re suggesting.
You may say it\'s a great idea because it will prevent such-and-such terrorist attacks, but doesn\'t our behavior CREATE more hatred of us, and create more terrorists? It\'s a spiraling feedback loop. You can\'t argue that this is an effective deterrent against terrorism because we all know how irrational and zealous arab terrorists are in their beliefs. A potential terrorist in Syria won\'t stop and consider: "hmmm... my comrades in Iraq were planning to blow up DisneyWorld, but then Iraq was invaded before they could buy buy their tickets to Orlando. I guess we should rethink our plans to release nerve gas in Las Vegas, or Syria might be invaded!" No, I think their thought process is more like "AMERICANS MURDERED MY COUSIN IN BAGHDAD! FILTHY AMERICANS! KILL! KILL! KILL!"
It always seems to me that one personality trait conservatives share is a limited range of responses to aggression. The most common response is: "You hit us, and we\'re going to hit you back twice as hard." All faith is put into the efficacy of retaliation above everything else. No other response is seriously considered, because "we\'re tough men, and we godda kick der ass." In reality, I think that is simply an emotional response that does not always serve our interests.