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Author Topic: blair states wmd\'s may never be found..  (Read 1811 times)

Offline SirMystiq

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blair states wmd\'s may never be found..
« Reply #45 on: July 20, 2004, 10:38:15 PM »
Originally posted by mm
personally, i think saddam WAS the WMD

I don\'t know about you but when Bush said that Saddam has "weapons of mass destruction" it never occurred to me that the WMD was symbolism for Saddam...I don\'t think Bush is that smart. And if you can prove to me that Bush ever tried to get his "Saddam is the WMD" point accross to the people like you believe then I\'ll wear an "I love Bush" shirt

I don\'t know about you but if we can consider a WMD a plane crashing into a building then Osama is the real WMD. Him and his assistants willing to die to kill Americans, I don\'t think Hussain was willing to die therefore he himself wouln\'t be a WMD.

Bush took the attention away from Afghanistan and concentrated the attention on Iraq. He probably never intended to catch Osama and his officials...wow we caught his assitants, BIG HELP!...not...the man is still making tapes and making threats...hmm should we ignore them too like we did a paper that said that some terrorist were DETERMINED TO ATTACK INSIDE THE UNITED STATES or that Osama, the guy that openly hates the US had sent STUDENTS to study here in the US? Maybe we should, Bush might want to move into Iran next and he might just be able to use another terrorist attack and claim that Iran is now helping Osama.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

Offline SirMystiq

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blair states wmd\'s may never be found..
« Reply #46 on: July 20, 2004, 10:41:02 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Call me a supporter, I don\'t care. I think we should of left him in charge of his people. He done what a dictator does - he used fear to keep his people in line. Whoopie-doo! What is Bush doin\' with his bullshit terror alerts? It\'s just another form of control...That\'s another rant tho\'..

Let me make it simple - I think Saddam should of been left in charge and Bush was in the wrong. Supporter? If you want to call it that. I think Saddam is gettin\' screwed over, we took over his country for no good reason and now we are putting him on trial, just for theatrics.

I don\'t know about leaving him in charge the guy was a pretty nasty man, I just didn\'t agree with the reason of why it was done.

Terrorist are evil...now watch this drive.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.


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