Originally posted by QuDDus
I am not saying give kids the full blow by blow on sexual relations.
I see little girls all the time around 5 talking about my boyfriend.
Kids know what kissing is. They may not understand sexual contact to the full extent. But they know if you like a somebody you kiss them.
But teach them about things they may see or come in contact with. God forbid you have some little girl/boy emulating what she saw on tv or caught there parents doing. At the school my sister in-law works at little boy and girl where caught showing eachother there private parts. I don\'t think they understood the full extent of what they where doing but they were doing it.
Then you have those little perv boys out there that have the sickness to touch on girls private areas and backsides.
You would be surprise the things that kids do these days. And how smart they really are.
Kissing is not sex.Kissing is easy to comprehend becuase its an act that is not necessarily sexual.
They dont have sexual activity in mind when they kiss each other.Its mimicing and has nothing to do with sexual activity.They dont have any kind of sexual fanction.Its an unknown fanction to their body in that age to comprehend or understand.
I agree that some advise and teaching is necessary of what is right and wrong.But sexual teaching is not feasable.Describing to a 6 year old not to have sexual contact and how sex is done its like teaching a kid 9d7aasCFI@_3487dfh1.They may even be curious to try and see what this sex is since its something they never thought about before.The external looks like hugging, kissing touching is the only thing kids can comprehend
Also this teaching will serve to nothing since it wont mean much to them in that age.Its not an act directed from need or desire.Its mimicing.
When they reach that age in which their bodies start showing their first signs they will be willing to try.Thats the age that needs to be taught.
The only kids that may have some unclear idea by themselves are the kids that have seen scenes with sexual content but they may be mimicing the act\'s looks not becuase they want to do sexual activity.
These days TV and media are bombing with so many stupid things kids these days (and kids spend lots of hours on TV) they are willing to mimic just for the sake of curioosity and mimicing everything.
Comprehending and mimicing are two different things.Every kid mimics in one form or another acts like the acts mentioned.But sex is not.It doesnt have to do with smartness.A kid cant understand the insertion of a penis in a vagina and ejaculation and diseases.Its too weird to accept unless that kid was so bombed with such scenes, his parents were so irresponsible, the kid has no idea of a normal kid\'s life that it seems normal for him/her.