What can I say other than I suggest you start reading into non-mainstream news sources, other wise if you keep reading the Big newspapers, and watch all the major news on TV, then yes the war on IRAQ is good.
However if you start doing some real unbiased investigate research, you would realize how much shit is flying out of your mouth. Its ok I understand that TV and the controlled media spoon feeds the public propaganda on a constant basis.
Exactly, and depleted Uranium shells? That was in the first Gulf War - not this one.
They are still using delpleted uranimun, thank you. See quit watching that tube, and you might learn something.
If you only knew where I was back then you would shut your hole as you have no clue what you are talking about.
If you only read over 100 newswire story\'s a day and pay close attention to the information. there would be no way for you to deny the hard cold facts laid out in front of you. Plus what does you having being in the military have to do with this war, plus if you were in the military I suggest you start talking to veterans of the first gulf war suffering now, and see what they have to say about how our wonderful our government has been treating them. Also if you so adamantly believe in this phony war, why hasn\'t a military guy like you signed up to go to Iraq and help out your fellow Americans(who were lied to), and while your at it, pick up the sons and daughters of the all the senators and take them with you.
Yes I do have an axe to grind - he is a fat liar who is misleading the American public.
This is truly classic. while I do admit Mr. Moore’s film was a shamble in the sense that he toned it down by 200% and did a little spinning, you want to talk about misleading the American people, look no further than the Bush administration(Kerry will be no different), they lied to the American people, conning them into war. Tell me, where are those weapons of mass destruction?? You realize American men and innocent Iraq people(oh course you could care less about them) died for seditious reasons. WE had no business in Iraq, Saddam Hussein was trained and created by the CIA(it\'s been admitted) and he was of no threat to our country, instead the
administration lies and tells the American people that saddam is involved with bin laden, without giving us any proof. Oh wait wasn\'t there that video with the fake fat bin laden saying he was involved with saddam, remember it was front page news, and then a week later at the very back of the newspaper in small print they admit the tape was fake, that it was not bin laden.
Anyhow you continue to believe the lies from the NEO-cons, but when they declare marshal law here, and begin to put the squeeze on us, you just remember big brother loves you, and he will take care of you, just as long as you give your liberty and freedom away.