Originally posted by Proud To Be
I dont know where they are being attacked by us, and where they are I gaurantee its for a good cause, but where I\'m from here in Al Qa\'im the only attacks made are against us. They use IED\'s(Improvised Explosive Devices) made out of anything they can get their dirty hands on, put them beside the road and wait for us to come by and wack us. Also, Mines come into play, double stacked anti-tank mines for that matter. You know what kind of damage that shit does to our humvees? survival rate is almost zero. They dont know what the f*ck is gonna run that shit over, most likely is on the routes that we cover daily, but they dont care about killing each other either. So be it, as long as there is a chance of us hitting it.
We get hit almost daily, due to their f*cking retarded antics, hiding like bitchs setting off bombs and running.
Yeah you are right.
I believe you are there till things are settled and the country becomes stable.Ofcourse you can inform me on this if I am not right.
Butunfortunately for them there is no difference.Their country got attacked is the only thing they see.They have a totally different way of thinking than Americans and Europeans.They can not let foreigners interfere.And always political regimes were the army had the presence of the ruler like the one of Sadam\'s have the biggest fanatics!The fanatics will do anything to "clean" their country from you even if it means to sacrfice trheirselves and innocent people.Its illogical for us but it is not for them.You werent prepared for what was going to follow next since nobody had an idea of how they think in such countries.
When are they planning to get you out of there btw?