Originally posted by GigaShadow
Mystiq - a soldiers job is to follow orders. You will never know because you don\'t have the discipline to be in the military. Soldiers do not determine what foreign policy is right and wrong - they are tools of any given nation. I don\'t know where you get this crap that our military doesn\'t believe in this war. Like I said, if you joined the military to get a free education (its called the GI Bill) and didn\'t expect to fight that is no one\'s fault but your own. Also another bit of information to further raise your IQ:
WE HAVE A PROFESSIONAL ALL VOLUNTEER MILITARY. Don\'t portray them as "they don\'t want to be there" shitty attitude crap - there is no draft - your Vietnam era anti war rhetoric is 35 years too late.
List some sources that say the overwhelming majority of the military opposes this war. You can\'t.
As for your silly counter to my sarcastic remark:
Lose a right? Name one.
Make the rich richer. That would be your boy Kerry who is much richer than Bush.
Pretend to care. Once again that would be Kerry paying lip service to the NAACP.
Be selfish?????
Be told what to do. What have you been told to do? Is this a police state? If you think it is go join your pal nvidia and talk about how our government flew remote control planes into the WTC.
HAHAHA...So what you are saying is that it\'s OK for a President to send soldiers to die for a reason that never existed because that\'s what they knew they were getting into?
Hmm...I believe that most people that joing the military...go look around the recruiting offices...are young people that go in there for their country and the hopes for a better education. I bet 90 percent of the people in the military are there for the same reason. To get an EDUCATION which they can\'t afford. It\'s not that they didn\'t expect to fight but they knew the cost of a better education would be to fight. You say it like all of those soldiers are up there for one particular reason and the fact is that it isn\'t.
The army advertises getting an "education" and how it would pay for your college education. That is the main driving point of the military and you would be fooling yourself to think otherwise. That\'s why my cousins joined the military, b/c their parents don\'t own private companies or make over 100000 dollars and get special tax cuts. If there is anything that stuck out about Moore\'s movie that that one fact, the military is made up of alot of hopeful people just wanting to be stronger, smarter and at the same time be able to improve their lives by getting into college.
It\'s sad that you see them as "tools" of a country. I understand that they really don\'t have a choice, but once again I think that any soldier would agree that a reason to go to war must be a damn good one. The reason for ANY war must be a good one.
In our school the recruiters came by so many times. We even got visitors from other schools (Highland High-the richest school in the Dallas area) had some students visit our school b/c the recruiters doesn\'t visit theirs.
Lose rights? See "The Patriot Act"
Make the rich richer... I was talking about the people...Wow Giga you even have access to Bush\'s bank account?
Pretend to care...Well Bush was the one that said "I know. I know. I know." and talked about how much there is to fix with the Reps and the black community. No Child Left Behind? Healthcare? Gas prices? The fact that Osama hasn\'t been captured? Safety of the American people? BTW isn\'t Bush on vacation right now?
Selfish...Iraq, tax cuts, education funding, environmental protection funding...and so on
Being told what to do...People aren\'t allowed to love who they want to. The "alerts" of a possible terrorism attack...women not being able to make their own decisions...
Not enough discipline?
Hmm...and you know this how?