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Author Topic: Flame War Tour: Volume #1 Gay Rights  (Read 737 times)

Offline GigaShadow
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Flame War Tour: Volume #1 Gay Rights
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2004, 07:14:46 AM »
Originally posted by Ginko
oh, lol.  didn\'t know what Oz is about...

:laughing: sometimes I wish I didn\'t!
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Flame War Tour: Volume #1 Gay Rights
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2004, 08:40:42 AM »
Interesting tidbit on whether homosexuality is learned or not, every major civilization with a recorded history has had homosexual practices.  My genetics class had a discussion on it, unfortunately that book is long gone and I can\'t cite a source.  I\'ll try finding a link somewhere later, but  that is one reason why they are leaning towards it being a genetic trait and not learned.
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Flame War Tour: Volume #1 Gay Rights
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2004, 09:37:18 AM »
1--gays should be able to do what they want...

2 i agree on civil unions..not marriage..that is between man & woman..always has been always will be..like i said before you don\'t see animals doin it..yea somebody made a comment b4 that a monkey did it or something..anyway rare case...now i have nothing against gays at all this just how i personally feel about it..
don\'t even get me started on the raising of kids part...there was another thread like this awhile back and i stated why i don\'t think they should raise kids...

3---not sure..i\'ve heard of some people bein born with both sexual organs (not sayin that is a reason) just trying to show how maybe some might have certain hormones geared toward being that way..but that\'s just me lookin\' way too deep into it..i\'d really have say that those that are gay have done so by choice...
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Flame War Tour: Volume #1 Gay Rights
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2004, 09:39:08 AM »
1) If you live in America, the Constitution applies to everyone. Everyone should be given the same rights no matter if you are straight, gay or bi.

2) I personally don\'t care. Gay marriage isn\'t gonna affect me. I say let them get married. Legally, its just two names on a piece of paper. Joint accounts can be given to gay couples and its like being married. Religous marriage is a different topic.

3) I think both. People are born the way they are but they have to learn what they are born...if that makes any sense.
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Flame War Tour: Volume #1 Gay Rights
« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2004, 09:43:45 AM »
 2 i agree on civil unions..not marriage..that is between man & woman..always has been always will be.

That\'s fine except for the people who agree with the ideas on which this country was made.
(so take marriage out of the government, or make it for gays. either will be fine.)

And being gay -cannot- be a choice. It may not be at birth, but even if it is developed, it is not a choice. If you develop to like a certain type of women, like brown hair for example, did you do so by choice?
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Flame War Tour: Volume #1 Gay Rights
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2004, 09:47:36 AM »
1. Equal rights for everyone, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. should be something this country prides itself on.

2. Yes, I think in the legal sense they should.  I think any religion should have the right to refuse to recognize it or perform it if they so choose though.  However, legally, with seperation of church and state, I don\'t see any reason why gays shouldn\'t be allowed to get married the same way straight people are.

3. I think it can be both ways, to an extent.  I think some people are just born gay, they only like the same sex their entire lives.  However, I think there are other people who are born more bisexual, but due to the way society is, only follow the straight part of that for a time.  Then, for whatever reason, be it a positive homosexual experience, a negative heterosexual one, or whatever, they decide to embrace the homosexual part of their sexual desires that they had previously ignored.

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Flame War Tour: Volume #1 Gay Rights
« Reply #21 on: August 02, 2004, 10:15:38 PM »
Gay\'s are still people. And the constitution protects the people\'s rights.

Religious noodle brains really need to stay out of the topic. I don\'t care if Christianity says that crap, that\'s Christianity not government. And it\'s hypocritical for people to see things that way...Anyways, I\'m good with them getting married, I don\'t feel powerful enough to tell people who to love. Marriage in the church is a different stand, I don\'t think gays should force themselves in the church, they should just respect them and move on.

I think it\'s a learned thing.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.


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