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Kuwait has banned Michael Moore\'s anti-Bush documentary, deeming it critical of the Iraq war and insulting to Saudi Arabia\'s royal family.An information ministry official from the Arab state, which was invaded by Iraq in 1990, said it could not show a movie that was disrespectful of an allied country."We have a law that prohibits insulting friendly nations, and ties between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are special," Abdul-Aziz Bou Dastour, cinema and production supervisor at the Kuwaiti information ministry, told Associated Press.He said the film "insulted the Saudi royal family by saying they had common interests with the Bush family and that those interests contradicted the interests of the American people".Dastour also says that the film criticised the US\'s Iraq invasion: "This was tantamount to criticising Kuwait for [what it did] to liberate Iraq." "The movie made Iraq look like a paradise whose problems started with the American invasion," Dastour said. "It would have angered Kuwaitis." The movie was banned last month when the only cinema company in Kuwait, which is state-owned, was turned down for a licence to show the movie. Meanwhile, the Saudi ambassador to Britain, Prince Turki al-Faisal, labelled Moore\'s movie "grossly unfair" in an interview with the Sunday Telegraph. He claims the filmmaker was offered a visa to travel to the Arab kingdom but never came. "He missed an important opportunity to find out key facts," he said.
Originally posted by Titan It was a joke dude, relax. Don\'t get your panties in a twist.
Originally posted by Deadly Hamster Yes, it takes brains to censor free spreech to promote only the ideas of one side of the issue.
Originally posted by ooseven Quit your complaining…we need corrupt and Evil “governments” in the Middle east so that we can get Cheap oil J/k
Originally posted by Lord Nicon WOW. Giga hasnt touched this one yet?Miracle or phenomenon?Take your pickj/k
Originally posted by Ace When do we start getting that cheap oil. *Still waiting*