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Author Topic: The fight between the Alien vs Predator  (Read 5586 times)

Offline §ôµÏG®ïñD

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The fight between the Alien vs Predator
« Reply #60 on: August 13, 2004, 04:47:31 PM »
i had a reply, but i then deleted it....

as for my other post.. nothing to be ashamed of.   If people bother to research they will see i\'m right. :)
  Ǧµî✟å® Ĵµñķîë!!  

Offline Soul Reaver
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The fight between the Alien vs Predator
« Reply #61 on: August 13, 2004, 05:53:00 PM »

I came to the theatre expecting this movie to be the worse thing since House of the Dead. I watched the first half hour, and thought the acting was sub-par to fair, and the story isn\'t really too bad. The next 30 minutes, things started to pick up and I thought things were going well.

The last half hour, it became a bit corny and it seems like they were hinting on some kind of weird relationship between the pred and the girl, but it was still fine. The fighting was entertaining enough and actually caused the whole audience to clap and whatnot. The ending hints at a sequel, so that\'s pretty much it.

Overall, this movie was satisfactory. Then again, I was expecting complete garbage.

Offline Lord Nicon
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The fight between the Alien vs Predator
« Reply #62 on: August 13, 2004, 06:15:15 PM »
Originally posted by Soul Reaver
The last half hour, it became a bit corny and it seems like they were hinting on some kind of weird relationship between the pred and the girl

The ending hints at a sequel, so that\'s pretty much it.

I really didnt have to know these. Especially the first one. Of course we know that it was probably going to set up for another one but we didnt need to be told that it was open ended (not that it matters too much.  the first i just didnt need to know).

Spoiler tags damnit.

Sorry for being anal. I just hate knowing any detail about movies that i plan on seeing seriously.

Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
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The fight between the Alien vs Predator
« Reply #63 on: August 13, 2004, 06:16:45 PM »
Originally posted by §ôµÏG®ïñD
Now that i\'ve proved how much of a lame as geek i am, i\'m gonna crawl under a rock now.

You proved that in 1969 when you registered ;)
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The fight between the Alien vs Predator
« Reply #64 on: August 13, 2004, 07:01:23 PM »
The only way I could of walked out of this movie with a worse taste, is if Paul W. Anderson pissed it in himself.
God this movie was a diaster.

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The fight between the Alien vs Predator
« Reply #65 on: August 13, 2004, 09:36:51 PM »
There are so many flaws in this film to count. Joe Six Pack at the theatre I attended appeared to love it though.

Incubation time of the aliens was somthing like 10 minutes.

Some weapons the predators used would melt from the acid. At other times it did not harm it in the least.

The Weaver wanna be stabbed an alien with it over top of her. yet 0 acid touched her.

In predator one and two they only showed up on the hottest day of the year. Yet they chose the coldest place to hunt on earth.

Weaver wanna be walked around with an alien head as a shield. Yet there was 0 acid in it. Same with the tail as a spear.

The alien queen looked like it belonged in jurassic park during a chase scene.

They spent a freaking hour going over how the pyramid was the culmination of three cultures. What in the heck for? Was this a stupid x-files insert?

Predator and human joining up.. No less other some poor actress that probably thinks she has a career now.

The ruins were 3000 feet underground. All perfectly ok in ice. Yet 30 feet from the camp is a freaking ocean.

There were three guns the predators had to retrieve. Don\'t ask me why?? It is the same gun that is always on their right shoulder. Anyways the humans took them. They made it a point to show you that they were after the guns. Yet they never went for them.

When they did get the guns it was worthless. It was too late in the game.

When the predator had pretty much admitted defeat. He did not stay with his bomb. He ran away like a cowardly human.

Since when did a human become a bigger badass than a predator?? A female no less. I am not of the school where females are superior to males in fighting. Perhaps nagging and bitching. Not fighting.

The new weaver wanna be is a horrible actress. God she is horrible. I have seen better b-flick actors.

I could keep going. There are atleast another dozen things that were off in this movie. I guess it may be ok if you are not a huge alien or predator fan, and just want to see some woman kick ass.

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The fight between the Alien vs Predator
« Reply #66 on: August 13, 2004, 09:45:40 PM »
I\'ll give this movie a C- on my scale.  Just not what I was expecting, not to mention the poor script writing and bad acting.  I will say with those two problems aside, the first hour and 15 minutes was solid.

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Offline Halberto
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The fight between the Alien vs Predator
« Reply #67 on: August 13, 2004, 10:42:51 PM »
This movie looks like garbage.

Offline §ôµÏG®ïñD

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The fight between the Alien vs Predator
« Reply #68 on: August 13, 2004, 11:46:48 PM »
Originally posted by Capcom

Since when did a human become a bigger badass than a predator?? A female no less. I am not of the school where females are superior to males in fighting. Perhaps nagging and bitching. Not fighting.

I guess you better stop going to all male schools then.......   ;)
  Ǧµî✟å® Ĵµñķîë!!  

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The fight between the Alien vs Predator
« Reply #69 on: August 14, 2004, 08:11:58 AM »
Snuck in to see it yesterday, It was good unil they started throwing comedy into it, I was getting pissed though because people in th theatre were laughing throughout most of the movie.. what type of shizzle is it when you can laugh to a predator movie!?

and WTF is up with the girl, that was so lame.
\"So are you going to kill her off?\"
Are you insane! I love her character, she stays.
\"The only thing loves done is put you in this position, I say kill her off!\"
Yeah, but you say a lot of things..
and how does that work....  You\'re a bicycle..


Offline QuDDus
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The fight between the Alien vs Predator
« Reply #70 on: August 14, 2004, 08:45:19 AM »
Thanks guys you just save me $9 because I was gonna go see this today. Too bad this movie could have been kick ass.
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The fight between the Alien vs Predator
« Reply #71 on: August 14, 2004, 10:55:09 AM »
I didn\'t think the movie was bad at all.

I liked how they kept everything about aliens and predators original to their movies. They weren\'t "adjusted" to fit today\'s view of a futuristic alien race.

The movie was BAD ASS and it kicked so much ass.

I loved it.

Predator all the way.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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The fight between the Alien vs Predator
« Reply #72 on: August 14, 2004, 02:08:54 PM »
I didn\'t like it.

It was too short, the action wasn\'t all I hoped for, and they made the Predators out to be pretty wussy. Plus with PG-13, that meant no action. The camera missed every impact and sometimes I couldn\'t even tell who was winning a fight.

An R-rating and more action would have saved this one for me. Oh, and for making the Predators much tougher. I didn\'t care for the storyline with the relationship. At all.

\"What are you supposed to be, a clown or something?\"

Offline Living-In-Clip

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The fight between the Alien vs Predator
« Reply #73 on: August 14, 2004, 02:30:28 PM »
Posted at DVDTalk.
k, first off, the movie is basically a rip of the story from Aliens vs. Predator: Prey. In fact, so much of the story is used that I believe had the budget been higher it the movie would have just been the comic book, but it\'d take a lot more than they have now.
 So yeah there was some hokeyness setting up the story, but the basics are still there. Those are:
 Aliens are "bred in captivity" by predators. Predators use the aliens as a "rite of passage". These predators are young, untried and untested. They aren\'t there to trophy hunt, they don\'t have the right to take trophies yet. These are the greenest of the greens, well trained but with no experience. They haven\'t earned their gun. Therefore, do not expect them to put up the kind of fight that the Predator in the original movie would be capable of.
 In the comic book, last surving tough predator teams up with tough chick, kills all the aliens, fights the queen, dies, she gets props from the rest of the predators. So none of this was exactly new to me.
 Now, about aliens. Aliens are not like any lifeform I\'ve ever heard of in sci-fi. From what the Aliens RPG(endorsed by Fox and presumably cannon and obviously read by Anderson) says, the best way to describe them is as a bio-robot. The acid for blood serves no purpose other than defense. They require no food, instead they "eat" electrical energy and require very minute amounts to keep them active. They can basically "feed" off of electrical impusles in the air(sorta like solar power). This is why the queen was revived by being shocked, and why all the aliens in the movie Aliens are hived close to the reactor. In the absence of electrical energy(or breeding hosts, because all they do when active is breed), they basically "shutdown", just like a robot with it\'s batteries out.
 That\'s right, the queen from Aliens? She\'s alive(they do not breathe, and their bodies contain no gasses, so their carapace is strong enough to withstand the vacuum of space). And somewhere on that old ship on LB426 is massive colony of aliens, just waiting for someone to fire up the ships reactor to and reactivate them.
 The only reason they "eat" organic material is to produce the resin for building hives(which is the same stuff their carapaces are made of), and laying eggs.
 Oh and the whole "what\'s one chestburster gonna do" thing? Any alien can lay an egg. Only a queen can bust them out like crazy though. Normal "drones" can only lay about 1 a day, and only if they get enough organic material. So in theory it could go lay an egg(a queen egg too) but somehow I doubt it lasts long on that ship. Still, could be used in the sequel if there is one.
 About Netty the great Predator killer(good name for him BTW). Netty is a "sentinal" alien(if I remember the name right). Sentinals are the ones that talk to the queen and carry out her orders. Notice that she gives the command, he runs off and comes back with a bunch of drones. You can also see some sentinals Aliens, when Ripley roasts the eggs and they start to come after her. There\'s about 1 sentinal per 20 or so aliens if I remember the RPG right(it\'s been a long time and I don\'t have the book handy, but there were 10 I think in Aliens with just about 200 colonists). Anyway, that would make Netty the only sentinal, and sentinals are bigger, stronger, faster, and smarter than drones. A sentinal taking out a green predator isn\'t that  big a shock, and of course the first one never saw it coming so it wasn\'t really a fight. Even a drone could kill one easily enough with a good ambush like that(though probably wouldn\'t be smart enough to set the ambush or patient enough to strike at the right time)
 As to the queens size, the size of the queen reflects the needs of the hive. The bigger the hive, the bigger the queen and the more eggs she can lay. Since her only real purpose here is to lay eggs it looks like the predators dropped a big momma with some child-bearing hips so to speak in there. Made total sense to me. The queen in Aliens presided over a very small colony and was sized to match it(I think they labled her as a "stage one" in the RPG). The one in this movie is about the size described in the RPG for a very large colony, several thousand at least. Amazingly, in the book\'s decriptions they can get even bigger. The queens that run continent spanning hives reach tremendous sizes.
 As to the story of the movie. It\'s obvious some people didn\'t get it. Humans were never meant to be inside the temple other than the sacrificial chamber. The humans get sacraficed, the aliens breed, the predators come in, pick up their lasers and The Hunt begins. What happend here is the humans figured out how get  to and open the armory and the whole plan got shot to hell. The predators got seperated, there were more aliens than their should have been, and they didn\'t have thier guns.
 Now in all of Predator cannon, there\'s 2 things that are constant of the whole race. One, they respect bravery above all things. And two, they are nothing if not pragmatic. The humans killed at the begining by the predators all had something in common, a gun. Take away the danger and the sport, they\'d still be alive.
 Now, you put yourself in the predator\'s shoes when it encounters her. Not only is she harmless, she gives you your weapon. Considering which creek you\'re up without a paddle at this point(companions dead, you know you\'ve been facehuggered), that\'s a more than enough reason not to kill her. In fact, predators don\'t need a reason not to kill, just a reason TO kill. No gun on a human, no honor in the kill(which is why they ruled primative humans, and hunt modern day humans. We\'ve moved up some notches in trophy value thanks to our technology.)
 Now not only is this human not threatening to you, she\'s managed to kill an alien all by herself. In hand to hand combat no less. A feat your two other companions weren\'t worthy of. That makes her OK in the predator\'s book, and while she\'d now make a great trophy, you aren\'t here for that, you are here for the test. A test you probably aren\'t going to survive at this point, and she\'s obivously got no grudge against you. Might as well have a little help.
 Now from her side of the fence, she really has no options. The aliens do no negotiate, and while the predators did kill some humans it\'s obviously not indescrimnate, or there\'d be no people on Earth now. You can give this thing it\'s gun and hope that it can blast it\'s way out of there while you tag along.
 A few other things people seem to be complaining about.
 The missing of the chestburster is an easy answer. There\'s different viewing "modes"(exactly like the PC games). Why would any of the Predators be scanning for aliens at this point? And specifically in the X-ray type of the alien view mode that let them look inside a body. Of course, I never read anything into that point anyway, it\'s obvious what was gonna happen(the idea of predaliens is a HUGE fanboi favorite) and these kinds of movies always end with a "sequal jump" even if it\'s not used in the sequal.  I actually expected to see some full grown predaliens in the movie somewhere, but everything was on a smaller scale than I\'d hoped.
 The other thing is the camoflauge. Which is completely useless against aliens. I can\'t believe people are even talking about it. The very first predator that bites it is completely camo\'d up, sure helped him alot. Of course they don\'t use it. The humans can\'t beat them anyway(and there\'s hardly any left at that point), the aliens don\'t see via the visible light spectrum which is what it camo\'s, and the thing is draining battery that\'s better used when you get your laser. This one is a big DUH to me, but I guess some people just wanted to see it. Maybe they should wait for another Human vs Predator movie where it might serve a purpose, but it\'s not needed here. Although what was shown I thought looked better than in the previous movies.
 And that brings me to another thing I liked and apparently no one else did. I thought the viewing modes were much better this time around. The infrared in the first movie was a godawful way to have to view the world. Everything was so blended together. This one was much more defined(mostly because IR camera\'s have improved), but if you have to have an excuse chalk it up to the differences in looking at a 98 degree heat signature in 98 degree suroundings vs 50 degree surroundings. Assuming that\'s what the complaint was, I don\'t know as no one has really said anything specific.
 The ONE thing I took major issue with was the gestation period, but even that can be explained away as the predators are using a queen that can "quick breed" or something. Maybe she\'s spawned from a rabbit host, who knows. All I know is it would make sense if you were pushing a bunch of cadets through the test like they appeared to have been doing at one time.

There, now complain about that movie! See, it can all be explained.

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The fight between the Alien vs Predator
« Reply #74 on: August 14, 2004, 02:38:38 PM »
AVP has Lance Henriksen, best actor ever, but that doesn\'t mean anything.
What is up, buttercup? Down is the new up.


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