I don\'t think they should be working illegaly. But I also don\'t think people should bitch about it before they know why they had to go to that extent just to WORK IN AMERICA. I would think that real proud American\'s would notice that people die and risk their lives every day just for the American dream. That some people that live here legally have lost hope for it but down south people still believe in the American dream and their not even "American"!
I think it\'s sad when people complain about illegal immigrants and treat them like crooked criminals. I don\'t think that a dad that paid some guy 3,000 dollars to ride in the back of a semi to get to this country to work for his family is a criminal.
And I don\'t know if you know this but both of my parents are illegal. We have a house 4 automobile\'s and a freaking dog. It took 13 years for my parents to get all of this things, AND THEY PAY TAXES(I believe that is what it says on their check), but we DON\'T GET THE REFUND. So you can honestly die if you think that my parents should get deported because they have worked here illegaly. But I guess I don\'t see how bad they screw legal residents over.
As for people learning English. Hey I agree with that but I\'m also realistic. The fact is that in this country, there is almost NO reason to learn English. Except to talk to people that speak only English. Everywhere you go you can find Spanish translators, menus, workers, bank people, doctors, lawyers and the list goes on. And it\'s known that learning another language (specially Spanish) can improve your working potential and your chances to get a better job.
And I\'m happy that white and black people, in fact all kinds of non-spanish people, are taking their time to learn Spanish. I get so many white people come to the store I help them out and then they start talking in Spanish to me, they seem very proud of it.