sorry but it\'s not just hispanics that fall under the rule...all immigrants of every race have done this..i have gone down to the local chinese joint (chicken wings with hot sauce;) and they barely understand anything i say..but they all understand one word..and that\'s "you pay now" that goes for arabs, jews, hispanics, chinese..all of \'em..none of them learn the language,.but set up businesses and they don\'t understand anything else,..but they do understand the almighty dollar..
on another note why is it cubans can stay when they come to the u.s. but they send the haitians back? that s**t is truly f**ked really is a shame as i consider cubans,.latinos, hatians, black people in general...i\'ve always wondered why the u.s. have done this,..there is no reason for it and it\'s wrong...