Nothing else to comment on here so...Try not to get your panties in bunch, Heretic.
I won\'t argue the point but if you\'re going to be that way about it so is every other FF. Sure IX and pre VII were a little more down to earth. Key word though: Fantasy. Don\'t step into bizzaro world then complain about how strange it is. Learn to roll with it or don\'t play.
I can take fantasy and I can appreciate it. Skies of Arcadia, FF3(6)-10, Grandia II, Xenosaga, Mario RPG, Vagrant Story, Star Ocean II, Chrono Trigger...I play for the RPG\'s and I prefer fantasy. VIII had alot going for it until it screwed up just a few times, imo.
[spoiler]Having a heart felt conversation not 20 feet from a war zone, not to mention they\'re on a massive floating building, had my eyes roll ALL the way into the back of my head. There were points of the story that just didn\'t fit very well and created an inconsistency, imo. Just to be fair I think IX\'s story fell apart once they reached the last area.[/spoiler]
I honestly didn\'t see a problem there, probably because I didn\'t fret about keeping track of all the details.
As I said, I play RPG\'s anytime I can and I usually like a big group of characters. VIII switched out/split up characters WAY too often and the only interesting relationships were between Squall, Rinoa, and seemed like everyone else was just filler.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Not to spoil anything for Poochie so I\'ll just say there are other ways to get what you need. Just one of several aspects of the game I dearly love.
It would have been a damn poor game if drawing was the only thing you could do. I just didn\'t like the draw system or the junction system. (Perhaps I should have elaborated)
If you didn\'t like it, summoning was hardly required at all. They only need be junctioned to gain experience from battle, not summoned.
If you\'d like to use the summons effectively in battle then yes, you have to use them to raise their compatability. The more they "like" you the faster they will come. I also didn\'t care for building them up during their animation.
One highlight I should mention is that the game has fantastic cg direction. The entire train sequence and the dance...some of the most memorable.