This is all bullshit:
- L-I-C, I think you proved my point that just because something recieves tremendous reviews doesn\'t mean it won\'t disappoint some people. Particularly in a game that promised so much, but has ommitted many of the things that people were looking forward to. I mean, most of your aging in chapters? Puh..
- GTA: VC had many good elements to it. However, some of, and probably the best were elements that don\'t make it a great game, but really enriches the experience. The radio stations and the atmosphere. The targetting system and driving system are in many ways a hindrance to the games fun, and the missions are usually crappy and are just ways to put you in a situation where the game as an enjoyable experience really excels - escaping from high wanted levels! Also the feeling of exploring a real city, driving and doing whatever you want are pretty ok I guess.
- Final Fantasy 7 didn\'t necessarily \'steal\' anything from 6, but they are definately the two most similar games in the series. All the way down to the main villain killing off an entire race (bar one, I believe - Very Hitlerish - and I\'m claiming Jenova to be the main villain of FF7). However, I think 7\'s story was far more rich. The characters were more in-depth. 6 tried to not have a main character and have just as much depth to all of them but it failed, quite miserably. With 2 main characters (one before, one after theevent, and some side characters that really don\'t have much story at all. 7 however, even the optional characters had awesome stories that the majority of people would never even discover. Some parts of 6 seem kind of.. corny? Might be the word. This may be more due to the fact that 7\'s atmosphere seemed to be more adult oriented, which ties in with the progression to 3D, IMO.
- Saying 7 was the same but much less I think would be incorrect, but that\'s just my opinion, it\'s just that their focusses (?) were directed differently.
- The voices don\'t necessarily add to the game, particularly when some of the voices are quite annoying. If you\'re going to put voices in make sure your main characters voice isn\'t too high pitched, and make sure he doesn\'t speak to quickly. Also make sure that the main female character doesn\'t speak as slowly as Kimarhi.. because she has so much more to say and it can get quite boring.
- I thought 9 was a great game, Vivi\'s story was definately the highlight though, but I found Zidane and Dagger\'s story to be quite enjoyable. I actually found it\'s more lighthearted nature to make for a much more enjoyable story than Rinoa and Squalls Dawson\'s Creek style drama.
- I didn\'t care for X-2 much at all, in case anyone was wondering.
- 3D has so much more potential for games which is why games have generally progressed that way. The problem arrises when developers don\'t take proper care when developing a 3D game to really take advantage of everything it offers. Hell, considering most games are STILL having camera issues.. how many years has it been since polygons became the norm? I\'d say the bigger hindrance of gaming would be the pandering to the masses, the gimmickly violent games, and EA style "don\'t innovate or be risky or it\'ll end up like The Mark of Kri" or some shit.
I\'d keep going but now I\'m running late for work. Thanks, assholes.